Free Notecards!

I draw everything myself by hand so it is important for me to start taking Holiday orders early. I know it might seem crazy to think about your holiday shopping before Halloween but the only way I can fulfill all your Holiday needs is to start EARLY.

As an incentive to starting early, I am offering a set of 10 notecards for every Silhouette or Illustration order. Yes that is right, if you need four silhouettes, you can have four sets of notecards! If you want two silhouettes and one custom illustration you get three sets of notecards!

Do you have a favorite photo you would like drawn? Do this now, get your FREE set of notecards, then make mugs or towels or wall art of the images to give to all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends later. You actually could knock out a giant chunk of your Holiday Shopping RIGHT NOW and save big.

Offer ends October 30, 2019